
Per vehicle per month
Max 150 stops*
Per vehicle per month
Max 250 stops*
Per vehicle per month
Max 450 stops*

* Max stops applies to the number of stops you can include in a single schedule. You can run multiple schedules per day as required.

Calculate your Monthly Costs
vehicles * $
stop limit
) = $
per month

Common Questions

My company delivers to over 500 locations from multiple depots each day. How do I calculate monthly costs?

You can run a separate schedule for each depot. Let's assume you had 5 depots in 5 different towns with 5 vehicles at each depot. The busiest depot caters for up to 120 locations per day. This means you would optimize one schedule per depot per day with a maximum number of stops less than 150 for each.

The Small plan could easily handle this since each schedule requires less than 150 locations.

Total cost would be 25 vehicles (5 depots with 5 vehicles each) x $10 per vehicle per month = $250 per month.

My company delivers to over 500 locations from a single depot each day. Can Optergon cater for this?

Yes! There is no technical limit to the max stops per schedule we can optimize.

For business requirements in excess of 450 stops per schedule the quickest and easiest way to get started is to contact us and let us know what you need. We'll quickly provide a quote and get you up and running in no time.